
In modern times, many sciences have developed, one of them in terms of health science. Various concepts about health and new ideas emerged to make the community more prosperous. The development of information technology is one of the factors driving the development of science in society. In this connection, we from the Student Association of Physiotherapy Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta held an activity called 1st ACMPTS 2019 “The First Annual Conference of Muhammadiyah Physical Therapy Students” where this activity will contain a series of events, call papers,scientific poster and seminars which will be followed by all Physiotherapy Students in Indonesia, practitioners, and other general health students. The 1st ACMPTS 2019 activity is expected to provide information and add insight to everyone, both students, practitioners, and the general public. By presenting inspirational speaker keynotes, taking part in thoughtful discussions and breakout sessions and building networks with their peers, participants will discover new knowledge about health science. The opening event for the conference is scheduled for Saturday at 07:00 WIB in the Moh. Djazman Auditorium Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. The opening begins with welcoming and introductions, and interesting performances by the holy site. Saturday night we will hold a lively evening of expression in the Moh. Djazman Auditorium of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. A more detailed program schedule will follow.